Until recently, only the wealthiest Canadians could afford to keep a lawyer on retainer. Now, there is another way to access legal services, but at a fraction of the cost.

For a monthly fee ($18.50 to $24.95), Pre-Paid Legal will cover a variety of legal services, such as; legal consultation and advice, letters and phone calls on your behalf, contract and document review, will and power of attorney preparations, assistance with moving violations, small claims court advice, consumer protection assistance and warranty assistance.

There is even a plan for small business owners, with rates starting at $105/month for companies of less than 50 employees.

How the legal service plan works
Members are served by a provider law firm, which has been carefully screened and selected by Pre-Paid Legal. To use the plan, members simply call their provider law firm directly at the toll-free number on their membership card when they have a legal question or problem.

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Pre-Paid Legal does all the work; no flipping through yellow-pages for a qualified lawyer; no claim forms, no worries about being able to afford a lawyer – just peace of mind.

A proven concept in employee benefits
Pre-Paid Legal is a leading provider of legal service plans in North America. A pioneer in the legal service plan industry in North America, they have the experience and proven service record to save your employee’s time and money.

Identity theft
On average, identity theft victims will spend $1,200 in out-of-pocket expenses and an average of 175 hours in their efforts to resolve the many problems caused by this crime.

For an additional fee for $9.95/month Pre-Paid Legal will handle all issues related to identity theft. Other plans will provide assistance, as well as legal forms, whereas this program will actually do most of the work it will take to restore the employee’s identity if it is stolen. Benefits include: credit reports, continuous credit monitoring, and identity restoration.

For the right demographics, the introduction of a subsidized Pre-Paid Legal plan might be a consideration for an employer looking for a competitive advantage in recruiting and retention of key employees. Employers may even elect to introduce this program to Management or Executive classes as a competitive employment perk.










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