
About Chris Pryce

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So far Chris Pryce has created 138 blog entries.

2019 Benefits and Pension Summit (Benefits Canada magazine)


Human Capital Benefits  (Chris Pryce) invited to be part of select panel alongside major Benefit Consultancy firms.  This Benefit Canada event/session focused on corporate benefit stakeholders and industry practitioners will discuss the evolution of benefit plans and how the changing demographic (Gen Y and Z) is forcing employers to change the fabric of their plans. [...]

2019 Benefits and Pension Summit (Benefits Canada magazine)2019-04-01T23:05:00+00:00

Are you ready? OHIP+ Amendments Take Effect April 1st


The OHIP+ program, which has offered free prescription medication to all Ontarians under the age of 24 since January 1st, 2018, will undergo changes at the end of March. Teens and young adults under the age of 24 with private health benefits will no longer be eligible to receive free prescriptions through OHIP+. Children and youth 24 [...]

Are you ready? OHIP+ Amendments Take Effect April 1st2019-04-25T19:56:52+00:00

Wrongful Dismissal Update: Recent Case Law Increases Legal Uncertainty


Posted with permission of Doug MacLeod, January 17, 2019  Recently, it has become increasingly difficult for employment lawyers to assess an employer’s potential legal liability in connection with an employee termination. The law is pretty straightforward but predicting how a judge will apply the law to a specific termination is riddled with legal uncertainty. A recent case involving a [...]

Wrongful Dismissal Update: Recent Case Law Increases Legal Uncertainty2019-01-17T19:02:59+00:00

Drug Dispensing Fees – Ontario (July to Dec. 2017)


Although, these figures are historical (not released regularly), it is easy to see that Plan Sponsors should be encouraging plan members to be wise consumers and to look at the cost that pharmacist are charging for professional drug dispensing fees. Since guidelines were enacted a number of years ago, aimed at eliminating certain incentives/rebates to [...]

Drug Dispensing Fees – Ontario (July to Dec. 2017)2018-11-23T15:48:04+00:00

Bill 47 – Changes coming for Ontario Employers


As you may be aware, there have been changes within the Employment Standards Act.  Bill 47, Making Ontario Open for Business Act, 2018 has repealed and/or replaced most of the changes that were to come January 1, 2019. The notes below will help you understand the updated changes. For further information please read online Legislative [...]

Bill 47 – Changes coming for Ontario Employers2018-11-23T15:05:03+00:00
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